3 Signs That You Could Benefit from a Hair Transplant
One of the most useful and increasingly popular ways to reverse hair loss is a NeoGraft hair transplant. How do you know when it’s the right time for you to look into a hair transplant? Here are 3 signs that you could benefit from a hair transplant. … Read more
Hair Transplants: “This Isn’t 1970”
Kudos to the Bosley advertising team – they absolutely nailed it with their slogan for hair transplants: “This isn’t 1970.” Actually, we’ve been saying something similar for years: Not your father’s hair transplant. Why are hair transplants different today, and what was so bad about their 1970s precursors?… Read more
Tips on How to Sleep After a Hair Transplant
Swelling after a hair transplant is common and nothing to be alarmed about. It typically only lasts a few days, and for some patients it may be very minor. Here are our tips of how to keep swelling to a minimum.… Read more
It’s National Hair Loss Awareness Month: Know Your Hair Loss Facts!
A lot of the talk surrounding hair loss is a combination of fact and myth. To combat hair loss effectively, it’s important to know what you’re dealing with. So we thought, let’s talk some facts this August in honor of Hair Loss Awareness Month.… Read more
The Genetics of Balding
By the age of 50, about 85 percent of men will have experienced a substantial amount of thinning. Basically, almost all men are affected by hair loss sooner or later. Balding is completely normal. And yet, most of us would rather not be bald. Who, or what, can we blame fore our hair loss?… Read more
What’s the Best Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatment?
Isn’t there some cream we can put on our scalp, some special shampoo, some kind of vitamin that will stimulate hair growth, to avoid having hair transplant surgery? Learn all about your options to regrow hair.… Read more