What’s the Best Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatment?

Having been in the hair restoration field for many years, we get this question quite a lot:

Are there any other options than surgery to get my hair to grow back?

We get why people ask. Surgery can seem intimidating. We think of needles, of anesthesia, of a long recovery time. We think that everyone will know we’ve had work done. We’d rather be more inconspicuous, fly under the radar. Isn’t there some cream we can put on our scalp, some special shampoo, some kind of vitamin that will stimulate hair growth?

What to Know About the Best Hair Loss Treatment

It’s Tempting to Try the Miracle Cures for Hair Loss

The short answer is no. There aren’t really any other options to grow your hair back. Medical hair restoration – meaning the transplantation of hair grafts from places on your scalp that grow plenty of hair to those balding or thinning spots you worry about – is the only effective way you can reverse hair loss.

This doesn’t mean that there aren’t a lot of places that will try to sell you on non-invasive hair growth methods. The market has realized that hair loss is a sensitive subject for men (and often women). Therefore, you can hardly turn on the TV without seeing some hair loss solution praised to the high heavens.

However, non-surgical hair loss treatments aren’t effective and patients end up spending thousands of dollars without any results to show for. We’ve looked into many of these options and tried a few in the past. We are in the business of helping our patients achieve a full head of hair and are willing to try anything new that seems promising. And sometimes, new methods come along that are worth trying out. This has been the case with using Hypothermosol as a hair graft solution. We have seen some promise in offering Hypothermosol to our hair transplant patients and have added it to our services.

Medical Hair Restoration with NeoGraft is What Works

But ultimately, we truly believe nothing compares to NeoGraft hair restoration. Most patients who try other options eventually arrive at the same conclusion. Why waste thousands of dollars trying to go what seems like an “easier” route? It breaks our heart to hear patients tell us how they feel they were misled. How they wasted thousands that could have been spent on permanent restoration instead.

The thing is, the word “surgery” is not quite the right term when it comes to medical hair restoration. It’s not even close to being a surgery in the sense that most people imagine it. There are no hospital gowns, no doctors in scrubs, no scalpels or stitches or scars. Your hair restoration procedure, while lengthy, feels more like a long stay at your hair salon than a medical procedure. You recline, you watch TV, you chat with your technician and otherwise pass the time. Every once in a while, you change position depending on what area is being worked on. After all this, you go home and spend a few days watching some more TV, taking care not to disturb your new hair grafts.

That’s it. The rest is just a bit of patience until your new hair grows in. Your recovery takes one or two days at most, although some people take time off from work for a week to ten days so as not to invite any questions about the small red dots on their scalp. Once these dots scab over and fall off, no one will see that you had anything done. Over the next few months the change will be so gradual that no one will realize what happened. Except that you will start hearing that you look great.

Skip to Stuff that doesn’t Work. Go Straight to NeoGraft Instead

You might think you’re too young for plastic surgery to fix your hair loss. But it’s not a matter of age. Whenever the male pattern baldness sets in is a good time to consider hair restoration. You can be successfully treated whether you’re 22 or 52.

Save yourself the time and money and disappointment of trying to coax your hair into growing with lotions, potions, and other miracle cures. Instead of trying non-surgical hair loss treatments that don’t work, find out if you’re a candidate for NeoGraft and go straight to the solution that works. To get started, upload your picture for a free online quote.

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