6 Reasons Summer is the Perfect Time for a Hair Transplant

In our experience working with patients at Nashville Hair Doctor and Memphis Hair Doctor, hair transplants take a bit of planning. We often get asked, should I have my hair transplant during summer or winter? Continue reading to get all the answers you need.

Should I have my hair transplant during summer or winter?

It’s not that hair transplants are very complicated. FUE hair transplants are minimally-invasive procedures and require only mild local anesthesia. They are not all that different from a very long appointment with your hairdresser (as your girlfriends are wives are accustomed to).

It’s also not that you need a long recovery time. Our NeoGraft patients are typically able to return to their regular activities just a day or two after their procedure.

But there is the matter of not wanting to appear in public or at work when the marks of the hair restoration are still visible. The tiny dots on your scalp where hair was extracted with the NeoGraft pneumatic pressure wand take about a week to ten days to scab over and disappear. Many of our patients prefer to schedule their procedure so that they do not go into work during that time.

Summer is an excellent and popular time for hair transplants. Here are some reasons why you might consider booking your procedure for June or July:

Why You Should Get a Hair Transplant in the Summer

  1. Taking Time Off is Easy. The summer months are often a good time to take time off from work. It’s considered vacation time, and no one at your office will question why you are taking two weeks off. You’ll come back nice and tanned after chilling on your back porch every day, and you can tell everyone about your trip down to the stunning coast of Croatia.
  2. Great Time for Travel During Recovery. You can actually take a trip down the stunning coast of Croatia, if that’s what your heart desires. While some hair transplant methods require a lengthier recovery, our NeoGraft hair restoration does not. No linear scar to heal, no recovery from anesthesia. You are cleared to be active as early as the very next day so that traveling to where no one knows you is a great option. Unless you are happy to park yourself on the sofa and watch TV.
  3. Easy Reclining to Keep Head Elevated. While the recovery is easy, we do recommend you follow certain tips for your hair transplant recovery. It’s best to sleep in a recliner with your head elevated to avoid swelling, for instance. Easy to do in the summer when you don’t need heavy covers.
  4. Slight Pigmentation can Pass for Sunburn. The pink pigmentation left after your tiny scabs flake off can look like a slight sunburn. What better way to be inconspicuous than with a slight sunburn on your scalp in the middle of summer?
  5. It’s Ball Cap Season. Wearing a baseball cap is often a more natural look in the summer than winter. Practically every man goes outside wearing a baseball style hat during the summer. You’ll blend right in. Just make sure you follow all the recovery guidelines given to you by your surgeon. Your list of instructions will include how many days to wait before washing your hair or wearing a tighter fitting hat.
  6. Shorter Hair Blends Right In. Shorter hair is more of a summer trend if the classic fade needed for your transplant isn’t your current style.

We hope that we have helped answer your questions about hair transplants in the summertime. We still have open spots in June as well as July at both our Nashville Hair Doctor and Memphis Hair Doctor locations. Upload your picture today for a FREE quote, and then schedule your procedure to get all the benefits of a summer recovery!

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