Reverse Hair Loss and Get Your Confidence Back

Achieve natural and lasting results with a NeoGraft hair transplant. Simply send us your photo for a FREE quote.

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Reverse Hair Loss and Get Your Confidence Back

Nashville Hair Doctor Travel Discount

Big Savings and Travel Discount for Out-of-Town Patients

Nashville Hair Doctor® welcomes all out-of-state patients seeking affordable, state-of-the-art hair transplants. Why are patients choosing Nashville as their hair restoration destination? This Hair Doctor patient summed it up best:

“Compared to Bosley, I can fly to Nashville, stay at a 5-star hotel, dine at the nicest steak house, and still save a couple thousand while having the best experience! You guys are rockstars and it was totally worth the trip!”

Hair Doctor patient Jon from Columbus, OH

In addition to these big savings compared to other providers, Nashville Hair Doctor also offers a travel discount to help cover your hotel cost while staying in Nashville.

Ready to visit Nashville?

Follicular Unit Extraction with NeoGraft®

All hair transplants employ some method of taking hair from one area of your scalp and “transplanting” it to another. But there are significant differences between those methods.

At Nashville Hair Doctor, we have over 20 years of experience with the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method of hair transplantation, also known as NeoGraft. This technology uses pneumatic pressure to extract follicles from hair-rich areas of the scalp and insert them into the thinning or bald areas. Unlike the FUT or strip method, NeoGraft does not leave behind a scar where the strip of hair was removed. The procedure is easy and the downtime is short – you simply wait several days for the tiny red dots covering your scalp to disappear.

Within a few months you will start growing a full head of natural hair.

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