Hair Transplant Testimonial: Kevin G


Kevin had been thinking about a hair transplant for a while to address the recession of his hairline as well as a beginning bald spot on his crown. But he couldn’t quite make up his mind.

He had two major concerns. One, he didn’t want to have a huge linear scar afterwards. He also wanted to make sure he wouldn’t have to deal with his thinning hair again and again. Would this be a permanent solution?

“My friend has a linear scar across the back of his head from an older type of procedure. I wanted to make sure I didn’t have to have that myself.”

It was his wife – a hair stylist – who convinced him to start looking into a provider. After some research, he felt Nashville Hair Doctor would be the best fit for him to achieve good results at an affordable price.

About Kevin

  • Age: 48
  • Areas of concern: Receding hairline & balding crown
  • Solution: 2,500 graft FUE hair transplant
  • Location: Nashville, TN
Nashville Hair Doctor patient Kevin G. before his procedure

The Procedure

Kevin chose Nashville Hair Doctor for his procedure for a good reason: He knew the Hair Doctor team was very experienced in the NeoGraft method of Follicular Unit Extraction. This would allow him to avoid the linear scar he was so worried about.

Before it was possible to extract hair follicles one graft at a time, doctors used the so-called strip method to surgically remove a strip of hair from the back of the head. It was then dissected into individual grafts that were implanted in the balding areas. The results was a linear scar after that strip of scalp was stitched back together and healed.

NeoGraft avoids that and allows patients to wear any hairstyle they want going forward, including a very short buzz cut. No need to cover anything up!


Eight months after his hair transplant, Kevin is thrilled about his results. He and his wife couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.

Kevin’s other concern had been about repeat treatments. The amazing thing is that once transplanted, your hair is there to stay. Sure, continued or even accelerating hair loss might reveal new thinning or balding areas, but the already transplanted hair itself will last.

If a patient opts for a repeat hair transplant a few years down the road, it is not because the previous FUE procedure  needs to be repeated. It is simply to repeat the previous success in a new area of the scalp.

“It’s nice to be able to run your fingers through your hair and feel the difference.”

Kevin G, Nashville Hair Doctor patient

By 12 months after his hair transplant, Kevin saw some additional growth, particularly denser coverage in his crown. He also came back to record a video about his experience, using clips he had taken along the way.

Picture taken at 8 months post-op

Final Thoughts

Watch Kevin recount his experience from Day 1 all the way to his 12-month results. The footage includes great 360 views of his entire head at 0, 6, and 12 months!