NeoGraft Beard Transplant

Beard transplantation for men with Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

The Struggle to Grow Facial Hair

From a full beard to an unshaven three day’s stubble, facial hair is in fashion.

“So what do you do if you have patchy beard growth at best, or no facial hair to speak of at all?”

The solution to your problem is a beard transplant. Using donor hair from the back of the head to restore facial hair is a popular form of hair restoration. Even though facial hair often looks different than regular hair, we assure you that this works!

Our Nashville Hair Doctor® team of NeoGraft technicians has extensive experience with FUE beard restoration, and the results to prove it. Our strong reputation for incredible results, low pricing, and one-of-a-kind personal support throughout the process attracts patients from all over the United States.

If you are looking for excellent and yet discreet hair growth results, a hassle-free procedure, and a fast return to work and play, look no further.

A NeoGraft beard transplant does all those things, and more.

Taking the first step toward growing a beard has never been easier! With a few photos and some information from you, we can evaluate your patchy areas and develop a restoration plan.

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Man with a beard touching his face.

How NeoGraft Works: A Look at FUE Hair Transplantation

Just as with our hair transplants, we use the NeoGraft® method of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) to restore beards. Using the same wand powered by pneumatic pressure, our technician extracts groupings of 1-4 follicles of hair – these are the follicular units aka hair grafts – from the donor area in the back of the scalp. The hair in this area is typically resistant to hair loss caused by Male Pattern Baldness. After extracting the required number of grafts (anywhere from 1,500-2,000 in the case of beards), they are artfully implanted in the designated facial areas outlined in your quote.

There are several advantages of extracting hair in individual “follicular units” versus surgically removing a continuous strip of the patient’s scalp as in the aptly named “strip method.” It avoids the use of a scalpel. As a result, it avoids the formation of a linear scar. It creates little to no discomfort for patients during their procedure, and it ensures a rapid recovery.

What to Expect During Your Beard Transplant Procedure

NeoGraft Beard What to Expect

Each beard transplant is different, but you can get a good idea of what it’s like when former patients share their experience. Golden Czermak from Florence, AL, had short and patchy facial hair growth before receiving a 2,000 NeoGraft beard transplant at the Hair Doctor Nashville location. He had always wanted to do something about his lack of a beard and researched several providers before choosing the out-of-town option in Nashville based on the reviews he had read.

During FUE hair restoration – whether for scalp or facial hair – the patient’s donor area is first numbed, and then the follicles best suited for transplantation are extracted, sorted, and stored in a saline or Hypothermosol solution. In the following step, these grafts are carefully implanted into the previously marked recipient sites while preserving proper angle and orientation for the most natural-looking result.

After the procedure, both the donor and recipient areas are marked by hundreds of small red dots caused by extraction and implantation. It takes 7-10 days on average for these pinpricks to scab over and fall off. Daily  activities can typically be resumed within 1-2 days, but a “social recovery time” of up to 10 days may be preferable before reappearing in public.

What Golden liked best about his procedure at the Hair Doctor was the professionalism. It was a long day, but he felt well prepared after the staff had gone over the entire process step by step. He was also pleased with his results: “To say the results were great would be an understatement.” Click below to read more about Golden’s and other patients’ experience.

The Advantages of NeoGraft Hair Restoration

If you want to thicken or expand your own natural beard with many options of how to style it, a NeoGraft beard transplant is for you. The NeoGraft method has several advantages compared to other hair transplant techniques:

NATURAL-LOOKING RESULTS: Your newly implanted hair follicles will naturally blend into the facial hair growth pattern. First results require some patience until the new growth cycles kick off at the 3-month mark, with full realization at 12 months post procedure. After that, the hair follicles will continue to mature and thicken from 12-18 months.

MINIMAL DOWNTIME: The recovery from a NeoGraft® beard transplant require almost no downtime. Most patients are able to resume regular activities and/or work the next day. Some may opt to stay home until visibility of the procedure has greatly improved (about 7-10 days).

NO LINEAR SCAR: The small punctures made by the NeoGraft® wand used for extracting and implanting follicles require no stitches and heal naturally, allowing you to wear your hair short along back and sides if desired. Our technique avoids the ear to ear 8-10 inch linear scar patients typically retain at the back of the head when undergoing the strip method hair transplant.

HIGH PATIENT SATISFACTION: All hair types are suitable for FUE hair transplantation – fine, coarse, Asian, or African-American. Due to its natural-looking results and easy recovery, NeoGraft® consistently receives one of the highest “worth it” ratings on

Frequently Asked Questions

The NeoGraft method can be used for facial hair equally well as the scalp. In that sense a beard transplant is no different than a hair transplant. The hair is harvested from the donor area in the same fashion as for a hair transplant, and is then implanted into the facial areas were beard growth is sparse. The only thing to consider before having a beard transplant is to realize that donor hair is finite. Patients seeking a beard transplant may be younger (since beard growth can be sparse well into a person’s twenties) and may not have seen significant hair loss on their scalp yet. We encourage all our patients to take future hair loss into consideration before planning a beard transplant.

If you have thin and patchy facial hair and are looking to grow a full beard or parts of a beard (i.e. mustache, goatee, etc), are in relatively good health, and have a healthy supply of hair in the donor area (typically the back of the scalp), you are a good candidate for a beard transplant. You can have a beard transplant at any age, but if you are under the age of 25 you might want to give it a little bit more time as your facial hair will likely thicken on its own as you approach age 30 (since you may want to preserve your donor hair in case of hair loss on your scalp). The best way to find out if you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant is to request a free quote.

The cost of your beard transplant will depend on the number of grafts you will need. Please view our beard transplant price estimate per area to see an estimate of the number of grafts you would need as well as the cost for mustache, goatee, sideburns, cheek beard, and full beard. However, pleases note that these are just estimates. For an accurate quote customized to your specific situation, simply upload your pictures to request a free price quote. Please note that our price quotes are all-inclusive – no added fees or surcharges – and that we work with several financing providers offering interest-free payment plans.

The hair used as donor hair for a beard transplant is extracted from the back of the head, so that area will have to be shaved for the technician to be able to extract the hair follicles. We prefer that you leave the beard growth in the recipient areas so our technicians can analyze it before the procedure – they will trim it if necessary before getting started.

Modern hair restoration procedures are much less invasive and therefore less painful than they used to be. Even though it is considered a surgical procedure, a NeoGraft hair or beard transplant is only minimally-invasive. You can expect some minor discomfort after the procedure as your scalp and/or face heals. During the procedure, a local anesthetic is injected in the area that is worked on so that you won’t feel any pain throughout the procedure. You may feel the sensation of slight tugging and pulling as the technician extracts and implants your hair grafts, but it won’t cause pain. Most patients are pleasantly surprised how easy and pain-free hair and beard transplant procedures are. If you have a lower tolerance for the type of discomfort caused by hair restoration, please ask us about our PRO-NOX patient-controlled pain management system.

It is important to know that transplanted hair follicles act just like normal hair, meaning that cyclical shedding will occur, much like it does to the rest of your hair. The grafted hair will stay in place for about 2-3 weeks after transplantation, and then it will fall out, making room for new hair to grow in. Don’t be alarmed when you experience shedding up to a month after your procedure, whether you had a hair or a beard transplant. This is a perfectly normal occurrence, and new natural hair growth will resume within 3-4 months.

We recommend that you wait at least 10 days or until all the scabs in the recipient area have fallen off before you trim your beard. After that all trimming is fine, but you should not shave down to the skin until 3 months after your beard transplant. Also check out our complete set of instructions for a successful hair transplant recovery for other recovery tips like washing hair, sleeping, wearing face masks, and preventing swelling.

You should allow for a week to ten days of recovery after a NeoGraft hair transplant. Please note that this is not time spent in bed. Most patients are perfectly fine to pursue day-to-day activities within 1 or at most 2 days of their procedure. However, you can expect some swelling within the first week post-op, and it takes about 7-10 days for the small punctures of hair implantation to scab over and fall off. Once the scabs have fallen off, a hair transplant is typically undetectable. The growth in the new areas of transplantation will occur slowly following the natural growth cycle of your hair.

More than any other procedure, hair transplants require patience. Because hair growth is slow, it will take time for your hair transplant to achieve its full effect. Results will vary person to person, but most of our patients have reported significant results within three to six months of treatment. Within a year, your transplanted hair follicles should be growing at a normal rate, letting you enjoy the full effects of the procedure. Read all about the timeline of hair growth after NeoGraft.

NeoGraft is an FDA-approved minimally-invasive hair transplant procedure that in recent years has overtaken the traditional “strip” method of hair restoration in popularity and aesthetics. Its revolutionary technology uses pneumatic pressure to extract hair follicles or grafts from the back and sides of your head where follicles are resistant to male pattern balding, and reinsert those follicles into areas of the scalp or face where density is desired. In the hands of a skilled technician, a NeoGraft hair transplant can achieve completely natural-looking growth in balding or thinner areas while maintaining enough density at the donor site so as to ensure the procedure is undetectable. 

The NeoGraft Follicular Unit Extraction technology is FDA-approved and very safe. It is a relatively minor surgical procedure that can be performed under mild local anesthesia to numb the scalp. Therefore the risks associated with general anesthesia or even heavy sedation do not apply. The fact that FUE hair transplants are so easy and virtually pain-free is one reasons they have grown in popularity to rank among the most-performed cosmetic surgeries for men.

Yes, the NeoGraft hair transplantation technology is FDA-approved. Originally developed in Germany, it is now in its 4th generation and has become very popular in the United States. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) with NeoGraft is a minimally-invasive and very safe procedure that does not require general anesthesia.

Yes, a NeoGraft hair transplant is permanent for the transplanted hair. During a NeoGraft hair restoration procedure, hair follicles are typically transplanted from the back of your head to your scalp or facial recipient areas. Your hair will continue to grow strong and healthy like it did in your donor area previously. And because this hair was taken from an area genetically resistant to the DHT hormone that causes male pattern balding, it is able to grow strong in those once sparse areas. Many patients choose to take a DHT blocker such as Propecia to help preserve their restoration results by limiting future male pattern balding. Your NeoGraft consultant will be able to assess the stage of your hair loss during an initial consultation. Overall, hair transplants are as close to permanent procedures as you get in cosmetic surgery. For the majority of patients, one single transplantation session is enough.

A man paying for his hair transplant online using a credit card.

Cost & Payment Options

The cost of a beard transplant is based on evaluating your patchy facial areas and plotting the total number of crafts needed for a full look. It starts at $5,000 for 1,000 grafts. Please visit our pricing page for more information.

Looking your best with a beard transplant is attainable! Our prices are all-inclusive – no hidden costs or other surcharges. We offer interest-free payment plans through several medical financing providers.

Don’t know if you qualify for a payment plan? Click the button below to check your credit score and submit an application for medical financing to get pre-approved.

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