Posted on  |  Hair Loss

Hair Loss: Not ALL Your Hair is Working Against You!

Watching your hair thin out or your hairline recede can be super frustrating. While you may be concerned about the way it looks at the moment, you may worry even more about the future. Will you lose all your hair? Which areas of the scalp are susceptible to hair loss and which aren’t – and what this has to do with hair transplants – is the focus of today’s article.… Read more

Posted on  |  Hair Loss

The Genetics of Balding

By the age of 50, about 85 percent of men will have experienced a substantial amount of thinning. Basically, almost all men are affected by hair loss sooner or later. Balding is completely normal. And yet, most of us would rather not be bald. Who, or what, can we blame fore our hair loss?… Read more

Posted on  |  Hair Loss

What Is My Hair Loss Type?

In your research about hair transplants, you may have come across listings of various hair loss types such as class 1, class 2, etc. all the way to class 7. At Nashville Hair Doctor, we are a little ambivalent about such a rigid hair loss classification system. Learn more.… Read more